Would You Stay Married to Your Brand?

If my wife is reading this, “Don’t worry! I’ve been researching divorce rates for a blog post. Really!” I came across a list from Accenture of reasons that people break up with brands and it sounded eerily like why marriages end in divorce. So for fun, I looked for the top reasons that people get divorced. […]
It’s Not You, It’s Me
You’ll have to trust me on this one, I’ve never stalked anyone. Neither in my personal, nor in my business career. I’d like to think that during the various relationships I’ve had, I’ve been able to toe-the-line of being too forward and obsessive and being attentive and engaged. Sometimes it’s difficult to be poised, holding […]
What a One Day Email Exercise Taught Me About Marketing Complacency
Last week I took part in a one day research assignment organized by my colleague Maigen Sawyer. The assignment was to catalogue our emails for an entire day. We were to write down the sender, the subject line, timing, whether we opened it or not and why? We had no preconceived notions on what we […]
Frank Oswald: Why Your Brand Positioning Should Be Idiosyncratic

Frank Oswald is a writer and strategist who, for 30 years, has worked with the biggest brands across diverse industries — from Accenture and American Express to Samung, Reebok and Yahoo!. In this 6 minute video Frank discusses how making your brand idiosyncratic will help you target the right audience. And keep listening for his […]
Why Your Brand Positioning Should Be Idiosyncratic
Frank Oswald is a writer and strategist who, for 30 years, has worked with the biggest brands across diverse industries – from Accenture and American Express to Samung, Reebok and Yahoo!. In this 6 minute video Frank discusses how making your brand idiosyncratic will help you target the right audience. And keep listening for his […]
Was it Colonel Mustard in the Library with the Revolver?

Found this at an estate sale today. Visually it was so appealing because it told so many stories to me. It’s Clue from 1949. Everything about it evoked a different time period, from the printing to the quality of the game pieces. And the finished game cards, filled out in pencil made me think […]
Mumbles translate perfectly!
So we had two and a half weeks to come up with a launch video for Dscoop University at the Dscoop EMEA Conference in Rome. We were charged with delivering the message of what value Dscoop was providing – technical white papers, in person training and online learning. The problem was we had an audience […]
Why you won’t scan this QR code

You won’t scan this code because you’re already here. Believe me, I love using QR codes. They can save people time and deliver some great information. But you have to be realistic on where you use them. Some other reasons why you won’t won’t scan them include putting them on a moving vehicle or in […]
Give Your Customers Reasons
to Love You
Modern marketing seems focused on using all the latest technologies to connect with customers, whether it’s a QR code that links to a special online offer or a branded mobile game that goes viral. Marketers can tap digital—and print—channels to blast out discounts and new product updates. But the magic happens when marketers share information […]
How Can You Know What Your Customers Want? Listen.
At our Cipher Symposium: The Art of Cross Media in April, communication strategist Frank Oswald shared insights on crafting effective marketing messages. “Effective communicators work from the outside-in, tailoring their messages to what their audiences already believe,” he said. “By putting mindset before message, your organization can go beyond awareness and achieve more of the […]