Be Patient – Just Gimme a Minute
Right now I find my patience is wearing thin in nearly every aspect of my life. Collectively, patience has been in a steady state of decline — and the state of current events is only exacerbating this. In the business world patience is anathema. I love Gary Vaynerchuck’s view of patience. It’s the long game. […]
Why Columbo Could Have Been a CMO

I loved Peter Falk as Columbo. Columbo was a TV crime series starring Falk as a frumpily-dressed seemingly disorganized homicide detective. He had a distinctive style of asking “just one more thing.” Here’s an example. Columbo would have made an amazing CMO by applying this questioning style to the marketing. Columbo was dogged in his […]
Walking a Mile in Your Customers Shoes: Three exercises to use empathy in your marketing efforts

Empathy is an undervalued skill in marketing. It’s hard to empathize with what customers are experiencing from an office or conference room. With today’s instant feedback and review culture, the theory of customer centricity is putting pressure on organizations to deliver positive experiences and for marketers to better understand customers. Understanding customers’ needs, and the […]
Frank Oswald: Why Your Brand Positioning Should Be Idiosyncratic

Frank Oswald is a writer and strategist who, for 30 years, has worked with the biggest brands across diverse industries — from Accenture and American Express to Samung, Reebok and Yahoo!. In this 6 minute video Frank discusses how making your brand idiosyncratic will help you target the right audience. And keep listening for his […]
4 Pickup Lines for Personalized Marketing

So you’re ready to deliver personalized marketing to your customers and prospects. Great! But before you get out there and start mingling, make sure you’ve got your website SEO ready, landing pages loaded, marketing automation fired up, and content marketing plan maxed out. They may sound like pickup lines, but hey, aren’t they? What’s your […]
Are you for real?
I had the distinct pleasure to visit the French Paper mill in Niles, Michigan in September. Here’s a great video that Doris Brown McNally of HP made of our visit. Jerry French, owner and CEO, personally gave us a mill tour as well as a full tour of the town. The experience was amazing. My […]